
Showing posts from February, 2019

macOS 10.14 Mojave’s Stacks

It’s been a while that Apple launched latest macOS with version 10.14 and we called it Mojave (mo-HAH-veh). Once you upgrade from older version of macOS to latest Mojave, the first in-built feature you will notice is, Stacks. This by default enabled feature, allows to organise all your files on desktop in stack manner. Here we will talk about the Stacks in Mojave (latest macOS 10.14+), it’s functionalities and hidden features, which we may ignore or not aware about by mean. The Stacks The best place to keep day-to-day files in computer, is Desktop, for most of the users. By realising this, now iCloud Drive is integrated with Desktop for macOS. With latest version of macOS 10.14, Apple implemented another feature for macOS Desktop, called, Stacks. If you are using older version of macOS and you have many files are scattered on your Desktop, it may looks like following screen. But once you upgraded to latest macOS Mojave and after finishing all startup procedures, yo

macOS 10.14 Mojave’s Archive Utility

Majority of macOS users are familiar with the name called Archive Utility. This is the ease-to-use compress tool/app, shipped with macOSs. Although you can’t find it neither in your Application folder nor in your Launchpad. This is located in /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications, along with other critical Apps for macOS. And because of this useful utility App, file compression and expansion became so easy in macOS. Even we don’t need any third party tools to download and install for those purposes. In macOS, any zipped file can be expand by double click into it. Other way, any file can be compressed by secondary click and pick compress option from the menu. And all these are happening because of Archive Utility is running in background Terminal Commands zip file.txt unzip Here we will talk about the Archive Utility in Mojave (latest macOS 10.14+), it’s functionalities and hidden features, which we may ignore or not aware about by mean. Journey to

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Swift Programming: Best practices for unwrap objects in swift

Unwrapping an optional is a common process in App development for the Apple ecosystem. Multiple ways of unwrapping are possible, but picking the right one is sometimes challenging. In this article we will discuss the common scenarios of a requirement for unwrapping an optional and try to find out the best fits, depending on the situation.  Scenarios   Before begin, let’s discuss, What is Optional in Swift? In Swift, an optional can contain either a real value or nil (null for other languages), which indicates no value. The optional object can be denoted with a question mark (?). The following example will give you the differences between the normal variable and the operational variable declaration. 1 var fname: String 2 var lname: String? 1st statement is to declare a variable “fname”, typed String. Now it is mandatory to assign a String typed value into this variable, before move further. Otherwise, it will lead you to a compiler error. The 2nd statem